Sunday, July 22, 2012

Marshawn Lynch

My favorite football player. Just got a DUI. Why someone who makes millions of dollars wouldnt have a driver, cab, or some other creative rich way to be transported is beyond me but whatever.

As far as football goes he is truly a beast. Ever since I saw This Video, Marshawn Lynch (True Meaning of Determination) on Youtube, I was hooked on him.

Shit is hilarious and it's probably the greatest run ever. The stadium got so loud it registered on the rictor scale. Also when he scored the touchdown he jumped into the endzone backwards and grabbed his dick just to show the Saints up even more.

I'm definitly getting a knock of jersey of his from Pick Jerseys. Its awesome they are like 20 bucks but shipping is $20 because it comes from hong kong or some shit. A friend of mine got a few and they are legit. fuck paying $100 for a jersey.

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